Install Software With WinGet As System (UPDATE 2024)

Background Back in 2022, after a lot of testing, I developed a way to install any machine wide installer in SYSTEM context using WinGet
. For the most part this worked great, however I noticed that if I deployed an application targeted to a device group, the application would not reliable install during autopilot / OOBE. This is because the DesktopAppInstaller UWP appxpacakage needs to be installed under a user account before WinGet is available to use.
Export all Bitlocker Keys from Entra ID
Premise In an effort to help those affected by the massive outage caused by past Friday’s Crowdstrike Falcon update debalcle, I whipped up the following script. This script will export a list of all devices that are Entra ID joined or hybrid joined and any bitlocker keys present. This uses the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, and the ImportExcel module to connect to Graph, retrieve the device list and export into an Excel spreadsheet in the root of your user profile.
GDAP Partner Access With M365 PowerShell Modules
GDAP Partner Access With M365 PowerShell Modules We can utilize our partner delegated access to authenticate to clients directly without the need to use an admin account. We can authenticate as ourselves with delegated access.
Pre-requisites It is highly recommended to use PowerShell 7+ when using any of the following PowerShell modules. Microsoft has ceased all development on Windows PowerShell (5.1 the “blue” window). All current and future focus is on the cross-platform PowerShell core.
The New Microsoft Store Experience in Intune

Microsoft relecently released the new Microsoft Store integration for Intune
. The new integration allows admins to easily search the store and deploy traditional APPX/UWP packages as well as a limited number of new Win32 app packages. WinGet (the Windows package manager)
is the technology behind this new experience.
This new experience greatly simplifies application deployment through Intune and is intended to replace the Microsoft Store for Business which will be retired in the first half of next year.
Introducing the M365 Report Tools PowerShell Module
The Why I often find the need to gather and extract data from various areas M365 for auditing or for project planning. I had the idea of putting together a PowerShell module containing wrapper functions for some of the most common reports I and colleagues ask for. I wanted to make the commands easy to discover and easy to use. I would like to introduce the M365.Report.Tools PowerShell module!
What can it do?