Export all Bitlocker Keys from Entra ID
In an effort to help those affected by the massive outage caused by past Friday’s Crowdstrike Falcon update debalcle, I whipped up the following script. This script will export a list of all devices that are Entra ID joined or hybrid joined and any bitlocker keys present. This uses the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, and the ImportExcel module to connect to Graph, retrieve the device list and export into an Excel spreadsheet in the root of your user profile. You can copy the script here or download from my github repo .
If you are looking to export keys from AD, give this reddit post a gander
Sample script to export a list of all devices from EntraId including BitlockerKeys using the Microsoft Graph and Import Excel modules.
Exports list to an excel file.
Author: David Just
Date: 07/21/2024
Website: https://davidjust.com
Version: 1.1
function Invoke-GraphGetRequest {
# Helper function to query a graph API endpoint and handle pagination
param (
if ($UseGraphModule){
$Request = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri $ApiEndpoint -Method Get
if ($Request.'@odata.nextLink'){
do {
$Request=Invoke-MGGraphRequest -uri $Request.'@odata.nextLink' -Method Get
until (-Not $Request.'@odata.nextLink')
else {
if (-Not $AuthHeader){Write-Error "Please provide an authorization header with -AuthHeader" ; return}
$Request = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $ApiEndpoint -Method Get -Headers $AuthHeader
if ($Request.'@odata.nextLink'){
do {
$Request=Invoke-RestMethod -uri $Request.'@odata.nextLink' -Method Get -headers $AuthHeader
until (-Not $Request.'@odata.nextLink')
$GraphModuleCheck = Get-Module -ListAvailable Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
if (-Not $GraphModuleCheck){
Write-Host "Installing Microsoft Graph Authentication Module"
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
$ImportExcelModuleCheck = Get-Module -ListAvailable ImportExcel
if (-Not $ImportExcelModuleCheck){
Write-Host "Installing ImportExcel Module"
Install-Module ImportExcel
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication,ImportExcel
$Scopes = @('Device.Read.All','BitlockerKey.Read.All')
$Null = Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Device.Read.All,BitlockerKey.Read.All
$Scopes | Foreach {
if ($_ -notin (Get-MgContext).Scopes){
Write-Error "Authentication scopes not found!"
$AllKeys = Invoke-GraphGetRequest -APIEndpoint "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/informationProtection/bitlocker/recoveryKeys?`$top=999" -UseGraphModule
$WindowsDevices = Invoke-GraphGetRequest -APIEndpoint "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/devices?`$top=100&`$filter=(trustType eq 'azuread') or (trustType eq 'serverad')" -UseGraphModule
$DeviceList = foreach ($Device in $WindowsDevices){
$RecoveryKeys = $AllKeys | where {$_.deviceId -eq $Device.deviceId} |
foreach {
$Key = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/informationProtection/bitlocker/recoveryKeys/$($_.id)?`$select=key"
Key = $Key.key
RecoveryKeyID = $Key.id
DeviceName = $Device.displayName
DeviceID = $Device.deviceId
Model = $Device.model
Manufacturer = $Device.manufacturer
RecoveryKeys = $RecoveryKeys | convertto-json -compress
$SavePath = "$env:UserProfile\BitlockerKeys.xlsx"
$DeviceList | Export-Excel -Path $SavePath -TableName BitlockerKeys -Autosize
Write-Host "Keys exported to $SavePath"
Drop me a comment if you have any questions! Hang in there folks.
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