Intune Endpoint Tools PowerShell Module

I am proud to introduce the PowerShell module IntuneEndpointTools. This is the first PS module I have published to the PowerShell gallery.
IntuneEndpointTools contains a set of tools for managing and diagnosing Intune MDM on Windows endpoints designed with Intune support staff in mind. Easily perform diagnostic/troubleshooting operations such as getting the MDM diagnostic report, full diagnostic package, forcing a full sync to Intune, forcing reprocessing of assigned applications, and more!
Keep Applications Updated with WinGet and Proactive Remediations

The Why In a previous article , I demonstrated how to deploy applications to Intune using WinGet . I recieved a request to demonstrate how to use WinGet to update applications, and more importantly, how to run this on a schedule to keep applications updated. Since then, I found a really handy PowerShell wrapper module for WinGet called WinGetTools by Jeffrey Hicks
. I made a small contribution to this module to allow it to work running under SYSTEM context.
AAD Token Broker Issues

Problem signs Outlook refuses to load, or a sign in window loops, opening and closing quickly. Outlook refuses to connect or send / recieve mail. The Windows store refuses to open. These are the initial symptoms I have seen when the AAD token broker ‘breaks’ for lack of a better term. Event ID 1098 will be logged repeatedly in the Microsoft-Windows-AAD/Operational event log.
The fix Microsoft has a couple troubleshooting articles on event 1098 Event 1098 Cannot Create New Profiles
and Event 1098 Error 0xcaa5001c
Backup and Reset Windows User Profile

Premise If you use Windows long enough, eventually you will run into a broken user profile. Sometimes its the start menu that busted, or the Windows store wont open etc. If the typical recommendations of sfc / dism / re-register appx packages with PowerShell fails to remedy the issue, see if the issue is isolated to the user profile. Log into another Windows user account and see if the issue persists.